Learning How to Stop Reacting Negatively: A Vipassana ExperienceThe 10 Biggest Lessons from My Vipassana Silent Retreat ExperienceJun 28, 2024Jun 28, 2024
Journeying beyond: My first “voluntary” travel to other realms through Astral ProjectionI am an avid traveller. Since I was young I had that clear drive to explore the world and beyond. I left home when I was 21 and explored…Sep 6, 20232Sep 6, 20232
How to Ask for What You Need and Build Self-Worth“What would you like for dinner, Darling?” “Whatever you wish, my love.”Jul 12, 2023Jul 12, 2023
I have earned those white hair, son.My 6-year old asked me the other day: “ Mom, why do you have some white hair?”May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Asking for what you need is a gift you give to yourself and othersFor years, my husband answered to the question: “What would you like for dinner honey?” with “Whatever you feel like darling.”Apr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023
Not everyone is looking at youAnd who’s looking or not does not really matter anywaySep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
The 3 words I wished I had told my mother before she passed awayAnd why it might so hard for you to say those words to your loved onesSep 20, 2022Sep 20, 2022
To a 2022 filled with compassion!The transformative experience with my first Buddhist retreat. A “NIL through mouth” retreat to purify mind body and actions.Jan 2, 2022Jan 2, 2022
What is self-love?Self-love is the permission you give to yourself to truly accept every parts of you.Nov 5, 2021Nov 5, 2021